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Union University

Scholarship Project

Gary R. Johnson

Chair and University Professor of Physical Education

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4 Results

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article(s)

  • "," Journal of Physical Education and Sports Management, Vol. 8, No. 2, 13-21. (December 2021) by Gary R. Johnson, Linn M. Stranak and Matt Brunet
  • "," Journal of Applied Sport Management, Vol. 5, No. 1. (July 2013) by Matt Brunet, et.al.
  • "Using Institutional Selection Factors to Develop Recruiting Profiles: Marketing Small, Private Colleges and Universities to Prospective Student Athletes," Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, Vol. 19 [1]. (January 2009) (with Colby Jubenville and Benjamin Goss)


  • "" Co-authored with Matt Brunet  Christian Society for Kinesiology, Leisure & Sport Studies Virtual Conference. (June 2020)