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Union University

Scholarship Project

Janna Chance

Professor of English

Visit University Profile

6 Results

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article(s)

  • "Original Sin and Feminine Virtue in Hannah More's Coelebs in Search of a Wife," Christianity & Literature, 70:1. (March 2020)


  • "Mary Augusta Ward" 2010 Eighteenth and Nineteenth-Century British Women Writers Association Conference. (April 2010)
  • "Fire, Brimstone, and Female Empowerment in the Anti-Oxford Movement Writings of Charlotte Elizabeth Tonna and Caroline Fry" Eighteenth and Nineteenth-Century British Women Writers Association Conference, Iowa City, IA. (April 2009)
  • "Femininity and Consent in Jane Austen's 'Pride and Prejudice' and 'Mansfield Park'" One Community, One Event Series sponsored by Jackson Public Library, Jackson, TN. (November 2008)


  • Chair's Dissertation Prize Awarded for the most outstanding dissertation of the year., 2008


  • "Obeying God Rather than Men: Protestant Individualism and the Empowerment of the Victorian Heroine" (May 2008) at Rice University