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Union University

Scholarship Project

John D. Foubert

Dean, College of Education

Professor of Education

Visit University Profile Full Listing (.pdf)

13 Results

Book(s), Monograph(s) or Book Chapter(s)

See Book Project Profile

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article(s)

  • "Sexual violence at Christian and secular Universities: Does institutional type matter?," Christian Higher Education, in press. (July 2020) (with with Durham, A., Houston, M., & Vanderwoerd, J.)
  • "," Violence Against Women, 26 (3-4), 296–311. (March 2020) (with with Angela Clark-Taylor and Andrew F. Wall)
  • "," Dignity: A Journal on Sexual Exploitation and Violence, 2 (3), 6. (June 2017)
  • "," Violence and Victims, 32 (1), 46-59. (January 2017) (with with R. Sean Bannon)
  • "," Military Psychology, 28 (5), 306-317. (October 2016) (with with Marjorie H. Carroll, Judith E. Rosenstein, M. Diane Clark & Lisa M. Korenman)
  • "," Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 32 (20), 3071-3089. (September 2016) (with with Ana J. Bridges)
  • "," Violence Against Women, 23 (6), 692-706. (May 2016) (with with Ana J. Bridges)
  • "," Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice, 53 (1), 13-25. (February 2016) (with with Edward C. Pittman)
  • "," Religion and Education, 43 (1), 19-40. (November 2015) (with with Roland Nunez)


  • "Sexual Assault, Title IX, and Devos: What’s New?" Association for Christians in Student Development. (June 2019)
  • "How Pornography Harms: The Basics and the Latest Research" Association for Christians in Student Development. (June 2019)
  • "The neurobiology of sexual trauma: Understanding the confusing behavior of rape survivors" American Association of Christian Counselors. (October 2017)
  • "Is Title IX Trumped? Our continued responsibility to end sexual violence" Association of Christians in Student Development. (June 2017)