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Union University

Scholarship Project

Michael H. Schiebout

Professor of Biology

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5 Results

Book(s), Monograph(s) or Book Chapter(s)

See Book Project Profile

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article(s)

  • "," Gulf and Caribbean Research, Vol. 34 Issue 1, 43-59. (June 2023) by James Kerfoot and Michael H. Schiebout (with Samantha N. Jones and Beth Orlando)
  • "," Botanica Marina. (February 2023) (with James E. Kaldy, Cayla Sullivan, Angel Dieppa, Ivelisse Cappielo Cosme, and Marco Orizondo Lugo)
  • "," Southeastern Naturalist, Vol. 20, Issue 2, 353-366. (June 2021) by Michael H. Schiebout and James Kerfoot (with David C. Mercker and Joshua S. Bowden)
  • "," Vegetation Classification and Survey 1, 123-137. (November 2020) (with Franklin SB, 艩ibik J)
  • "," The Southwestern Naturalist, Vol. 59 Issue1, 91-102. (March 2014) (with Scott B. Franklin)