Issue: Summer 2012 | Posted: June 18, 2012
From The President
Looking Toward 2012-13
As the 2011-12 academic year draws to a close, we are reminded of the numerous highlights that have characterized this incredible year at Union University. This issue of the Unionite points readers to some of those special moments over the past few months. For the 14th consecutive year, Union experienced an enrollment increase — with a fall enrollment of 4,205 and a non-duplicating annual enrollment exceeding 5,000.
The magazine you hold in your hand tells the marvelous story about the library project, the first graduating class from the School of Pharmacy, the full accreditation of the PharmD and MSW programs, another year of significant recognitions, and so much more. The Board of Trustees unanimously approved the fifth strategic plan for the current administration: "Union 2015: Illuminating Minds." I am extremely excited about the new plan and want to thank Gene Fant and Rich Grimm for their guidance for this most important planning process.
The spring commencement ceremony provided a memorable moment for well over 7,000 who were in attendance on the Great Lawn on a beautiful May evening. The University during this academic year will award nearly 1,250 degrees, the largest graduating class in Union's long history. Two honorary degrees were granted to two very special Union friends: Lloyd Hansen and Bill Latimer. We offer thanks to God for these special friends and for the graduates who leave this place to serve Christ and his kingdom.
We move forward with excitement about the library project, the new facility in Hendersonville, and the opportunities in the 2012-13 year. Let me encourage you to help us with the library project. We need Unionites everywhere to join with us in this effort. Will you please pray for those involved with this work? Might you consider making a pledge or gift for this amazing facility? Through the generous matching gift of the Latimer Foundation, every gift is maximized. Let me thank you in advance for your willingness to invest in this magnificent facility, which will serve Union in a strategic way for decades to come.
Enjoy this Unionite issue. Thank you for your loyal and ongoing friendship to Union University.
David S. Dockery