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Union University

College of Pharmacy

College of Pharmacy at Union


Admission to the College of Pharmacy requires the completion of the following prerequisite coursework:

Prerequisites for the College of Pharmacy
Course Semesters Quarters
Biology or Zoology* 2 3
General Chemistry* 2 3
Organic Chemistry* 2 3
Human Anatomy & Physiology* 2 3
Upper-Level Science/Math** 1 2
Microbiology* 1 1
Calculus* 1 2
Statistics* 1 1
Written Composition 2 3
Communications/Speech 1 1
Humanities Electives+ 1 2
Social Sciences Electives+1 2

Notes: Courses that will increase the strength of the applicant's candidacy include Biochemistry, Immunology, Genetics and a second semester of Physics.

*For all science, calculus or statistics courses, the prospective pharmacy student should take courses which are suitable for science majors intending graduate study and should include laboratories when available. The calculus course(s) should include both differential and integral calculus.

** Upper-level Science/Math would be defined as any 200+ level course in the natural sciences (Lab required) or field of mathematics. Recommended examples include Physics, Biochemistry, Cell Biology, and Calculus II.

+Elective courses must conform to the following distribution and requirements:

  • Humanities Electives include courses from arts, history, language, literature, or philosophy.
  • Social Sciences Electives include courses from anthropology, economics, political science, psychology, or sociology.

It is also strongly recommended that candidates for a Doctor of Pharmacy program gain work experience in a pharmacy setting prior to application.