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Union University

Scholarship Project

Jacob Shatzer

Associate Professor of Theological Studies

Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Administrative Office of the Provost

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36 Results

Book(s), Monograph(s) or Book Chapter(s)

See Book Project Profile

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article(s)

  • "Fake and Future ‘Humans’: Artificial Intelligence, Transhumanism, and the Question of the Person," Southwestern Baptist Journal of Theology, 63.2 (2021), 127–146. (December 2021)
  • "A Limited Image?: Practitioners, Patients, and Playing God," Ethics and Medicine, 34.1, 21-29. (October 2018)
  • "Theological Interpretation of Scripture and Evangelicals: An Apology for The Fundamentals," Pro Ecclesia, 22.1, 88-102. (January 2018)
  • "Wendell Berry’s ‘Risk’: In the Middle on Gay Marriage?," Themelios, 42.2, 297-305. (January 2017)
  • "Does the Just War Tradition Need Selective Conscientious Objection?," The Abbeville Review. (April 2015)
  • "Is the Technological Imperative Imperative?," Ethics & Medicine (Guest Editorial), 31.2, 73. (January 2015)
  • "Theology and Technology: Mapping the Questions," Ethics & Medicine, 31.2, 87-108. (January 2015)
  • "Posthuman Liturgy? Virtual Worlds, Robotics, and Human Flourishing," The New Bioethics, 19.1, 46-53. (January 2013)
  • "Virtue, Vice, and Virtual Worlds: A Theological Perspective on Moral Formation," Journal of Religion, Media and Digital Culture, 1.1, 1-34. (January 2012)
  • "Are We Forming Ourselves for a Posthuman Future?," Ethics & Medicine, 28.2, 81-87. (January 2012)

Magazine Article(s)

  • "Robots, Jobs, and Leisure: Being Human in the Face of Technological Disruption," Ethics & Medicine, 35.2, 83-91. (October 2019)
  • "On Being Watched and Remembered," Front Porch Republic. (May 2019)
  • "New Year, New You? The Allure of Transhumanism," The Gospel Coolition. (January 2019)

Other Article(s)

  • "Transhumanism and the Image of God: An Interview with Jacob Shatzer," Christian Scholars Review Blog, June 9, 2021. (June 2021)
  • "Re-membering the Body: A Review (Essay) of What It Means to Be Human," Front Porch Republic, November 27, 2020.. (November 2020)
  • "A Position at the Switchboard," International Alliance for Christian Education, August 31, 2020. (August 2020)
  • "More than a Framed Receipt: How to Avoid Consuming—or Being Consumed by—College," International Alliance for Christian Education. (March 2020)
  • "Some Further Thoughts on Transhumanism," BibleMesh. (October 2019)
  • "Dignity’s Danger," Ethics & Medicine, 33.1, 5. (January 2017)


  • "Promise or Peril?: Progressive Evangelicals, Technology, and Social Justice in the 1970s, " Evangelical Theological Society Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. (November 2019)
  • "Discontents and Dangers: Theological Critique in an Age of Democracy, Inc.," ERLC Research Institute. (October 2019)
  • "The Mission of Theological Courses in Christian Universities," Evangelical Theological Society Annual Meeting, Denver, CO. (November 2018)
  • "Robots, Jobs, and Leisure: Being Human in the Face of Technological Disruption" Evangelical Theological Society Annual Meeting, Boston, MA. (November 2018)
  • "Robots, Leisure, and Being Human" Bioethics and Being Human, the Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity 25th Annual Summer Conference. (June 2018)
  • "Monsters at Work: Frankenstein, Artificial Intelligence, and Work" Southeastern Conference on Christianity and Literature. (April 2018)
  • "Protean Ethics?: Protestantism, Theological Ethics, and the Problem of Change" Evangelical Theological Society Annual Meeting. (November 2017)
  • "Posthuman Discipleship: Moral Formation and Historic Christianity" Evangelical Theological Society Annual Meeting. (November 2016)
  • "Wendell Berry’s ‘Risk’: Marriage, Family, Morality, and Law" Evangelical Theological Society Annual Meeting. (November 2015)
  • "Does Just War Theory Need Selective Conscientious Objection?" Evangelical Theological Society Annual Meeting. (November 2014)
  • "Modern Myths and Moral Formation in Christian Theology and Ethics" Evangelical Theological Society Annual Meeting. (November 2013)
  • "Tools; A Theological Evaluation of Technology and the Problem of Creative Care" Evangelical Theological Society Annual Meeting. (November 2012)
  • "Christ-Centered Witness: A Way Forward for Evangelical Global Theology?" Evangelical Theological Midwest Regional Meeting. (March 2012)
  • "Theology and Technology; Asking and Answering Questions about Human Making" Evangelical Theological Society Midwest Regional Meeting. (March 2012)
  • "The Trumpeting of Particularity; 'Witness' in the Theology of Karl Barth and Tariq Ramadan" Americal Academy of Religion Upper Midwest Regional Meeting. (March 2012)
  • "Forming Ourselves for a Posthuman Future?: Virtual Reality and Robotics" The Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity's 18th Annual Summer Conference. (July 2011)
  • "Ancient Passions, Modern Emotions, and Moral Psychology in Christian Ethics" American Academy of Religion Upper Midwest Regional Meeting. (April 2011)