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Union University

Audio Project

Summar Library: Taylor Worley Interview

Taylor Worley is Assistant Professor of Christian Thought & Tradition and Associate Dean for Spiritual Life, Campus Ministries at Union. In this episode of the Summar Library Podcast we get a chance to talk with Taylor about his teaching, films, his undergraduate experience at Union, graduate work in the UK, a trip to Chicago and Libraries. Professor Worley actually met his wife, Anna Worley, in the Library at Union.

  • Taylor Worley, Associate Dean of Spiritual Life and Assistant Professor of Christian Thought & Tradition, Union University
  • Address: Season 1, Episode 5: Taylor Worley Interview
  • Recording Date: Jun 14, 2011, 10:00 a.m.
  • Length: 49:55
  • Format(s): MP3;

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